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欄目: 學習計劃 / 釋出於: / 人氣:1.57W

英文學習計劃範文 篇1

1、Now more and more students like study English, for it is the best popular language in the world. I am one of them, too. I started study English since 1996, when I was in grade 4 of primary school. Although it is a long time for me to study English study, but my English is not good. My CET-4 score is only 428, I don’t know how long I could pass CET-6 test, too.


But now I have another change to learn English lessons, I am confident that I can improve my English results, as long as I work hard. So I must formulation a detailed plan for English study. First, listening carefully in every English lesson. English lessons are the most time for me to contact English. I need treasures the time and make full use of it. Second, speaking usually and loudly. Every language study has the same way, use it more and more as possible. Third, reading books. I want to read some English articles in the next two years, such as China Daily, 21st Century, Sky news. Finally, insist on writing. Practice is the only way to improve the level of English writing, so I need to write more to my best.

Learning English is a long lasting work, we must insist on it. There is a proverb in China, ” Lives old, learns old”. I remember it clearly.

2、 With the rapid development of the society, more and more people have began to realize if you don’t want to have an experience of culture shock, please study English hard and speak it fluently. As a study of a new life, learning English is also my important task for the further education. So, it is necessary for every one to write a plan for English study. And I will try my best to study English well during the 2.5 years.

First, to insistent will lead to victory. In order to enhance the personal listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation ability, persistent exposure to English is essential. Of course, ways and means is varied.

Then, combine the English study with professional learning consciously. As a professional, for a good development, further study of English is necessary.

Last but not the least, if possible, for the opportunity to go abroad, hat may be the best way to learn English. Language learning environment is the best teacher.

3、Although I’m a postgraduate of Yanshan University, my English level is only CET4.I learned my English hard in my undergraduate period, I will do my best to my English for postgraduates in the new term. So, I have made a plan for my study as follows:

First of all, I must to hold self-confident. I know the self-confident is very important to me. Though I didn’t past CET6, I never lose my interest and I will adhere to my plan. Following the teacher’s plan also is important.

Secondly, I will work hard in reading, listening, speaking and writing. I will read articles everyday, such as China Daily. I also flip through some English website. In order to improve my English, I set down some English listening exercises, and listening English everyday. I need to remember words everyday, 25 per day. On weekend, I try my best to write a journal.

Thirdly, I must ensure the learning time to study, and never make excuse for myself.

I believe I have the ability to fulfill my plan and past CET6.I want to put into practice what has been learned.

英文學習計劃範文 篇2

據說人有三次投胎的機會,一是出生的家庭, 二是讀大學,三是工作後的頭四年,女孩子再加一次嫁人,可見大學是一次重新選擇的機會。

說三個人要被關進監獄:法國人,美國人和猶太人,他們可以帶一樣東西,法國人要了一位漂亮的女郎,美國人要了一盒雪茄,猶太人要了一部電話,出來時法國人帶著女郎和一個孩子,美國人喊著要打火機,猶太人通話電話建立了一個商業王國。可見一個人當前的境況並不是現在決定的,而是三年前的你決定的。就好比一個人聽了講座,很激動,發誓要學好英語,這隻能說明三年前的他沒有定下決心。兩個分別在大一和大四決心學英語的人,他們的區別是:一個已經精通,一個可能一輩子都學不好了。就像新概念三第50課中說:The New Year is a time for resolutions. 我們可以說:September is a time for you to make a game plan.


1) 大一:

剛進大學,有大量的新鮮事物有待探索 (remain to explore),很多人把大量的時間花在左顧右盼上,但是有一部分同學,他們目標堅定,內心成熟,他們已經拿起新概念,在校園裡晨讀起來。如果大學有一件事情值得你堅持四年,那麼它就是早讀。

第一學期, 從高中細節的語法學習、題海轟炸過度到大學興趣為主、閱讀為王的學習方式,你可能要花點時間適應;之後,第二學期你就可以開始準備四級,用一個月的時間把詞彙解決。然後你要做一些閱讀和真題,輕鬆地就能通過四級考試。作為大學中一個最簡單的考試,它只是給你些許開始的信心。如果認為自己基礎稍弱一些的,可以先系統的學習一下新概念二冊或初、中級閱讀,打下基礎,再過考試。

2) 大二:

你內心清楚自己的目標是六級,但是這個時候,你可能會對聽力口語產生一些興趣,是的,你應該找出幾盒有難度進階的磁帶來練聽力。有幾個原則必須遵守:一、不看原文(不把聽力變成閱讀);二、在安靜的環境下認真聽;三、反覆聽相同的東西。第一盒磁帶可能會讓你生不如死,過了一個月才大致聽懂,沒有關係,第二盒磁帶可能就只需要20天了,第三盒磁帶可能只需要15天,當聽到第5盒磁帶再回頭聽第一盒時,就會有想打自己耳光的感覺 (could have kicked yourself),怪自己為什麼當初聽不懂這麼簡單的內容。

大二的時候,英語學習觀似乎有些變化,雖然你通過努力可能也過了六級考試,但是你發現一切知識都要應用,六級考題對於你來說更多的是一種表達方式。這個時候,系統學習一下新概念三對於增強自己的表達法,深入瞭解英文行文規則很有幫助。至於口語,找一個志同道合的人,加上新三的強大知識庫,每天練習,有三個月,就會有突飛猛進的感覺。 推薦同學們聽《千萬別學英語》,看《friends》。

3) 大三:


有了六級的基礎, 詞彙還需要再加強一些,大概有幾百個難詞要突擊一下,閱讀要每天堅持練習,聽力和口語是很自然的事情。剩下寫作是最難的,即使是自己的母語,也不一定人人都能寫出一手好文章,所以每個星期寫上兩篇便很必要,有機會要高手替你修改。 如果實在沒有這個機會,就參加一個單獨的寫作班,向高人學習一些方法。如果有興趣,自己好好研習新概念四冊,便會知道高人是如何用英文來表達生命、哲學等抽象話題了。 不一定每個人都能拿託福雅思高分,但是作為自己英語學習最後的也是最權威的檢驗,它的意義非凡。

4) 大四:



英文學習計劃範文 篇3

1. 詞彙



2. 聽力和口語


3. 知識點梳理 我們在課堂上會對平時所學的知識點進行復習總結,並且配套一些練習來夯實基礎。把平時在學校上課沒弄懂的知識點和練習,歸納到一個本子上,上課時來問我。把講過的做錯的題目抄寫到一個本子上,考試前一段時間拿出來統一再做一遍,看自己是否都掌握了,若還有些問題,記住一定得問我,不留任何疑問。

4. 練習 (每週花兩到三天完成)


做一個表格把每天每週完成的進度做上記錄!!Good good study, day day up!

英文學習計劃範文 篇4


1、堅持每一天,充分利用一切可以利用的時間學英語。沒有持之以恆的學習和大量的時將做保障,一切都是空談。3nA英語幫 - 免費線上英語學習聽力口語練習大中國小四六級GRE託福商務英語資料教材下載

2、每天聽寫一篇文章,以此文章為中心,展開一天的學習。3nA英語幫 - 免費線上英語學習聽力口語練習大中國小四六級GRE託福商務英語資料教材下載

3、聽說讀寫譯五項都要練,以聽說為主。3nA英語幫 - 免費線上英語學習聽力口語練習大中國小四六級GRE託福商務英語資料教材下載

4、求質不求量,把聽寫的文章徹底搞懂足矣,不要好大喜功,貪大貪快。紮紮實實,按部就班,是學好英語的必經之路。3nA英語幫 - 免費線上英語學習聽力口語練習大中國小四六級GRE託福商務英語資料教材下載

5、把零碎的時間充分利用起來學英語,不斷地重複。3nA英語幫 - 免費線上英語學習聽力口語練習大中國小四六級GRE託福商務英語資料教材下載

6、聽寫是個學習英語的好方法,要繼續加強。3nA英語幫 - 免費線上英語學習聽力口語練習大中國小四六級GRE託福商務英語資料教材下載

7、早睡早起學英語。3nA英語幫 - 免費線上英語學習聽力口語練習大中國小四六級GRE託福商務英語資料教材下載 8、抓住一套教材足矣,不要盲目的更換教材。3nA英語幫 - 免費線上英語學習聽力口語練習大中國小四六級GRE託福商務英語資料教材下載

9、每天學習英語必須要有詳細可行的計劃,必須堅決執行,沒有任何藉口。3nA英語幫 - 免費線上英語學習聽力口語練習大中國小四六級GRE託福商務英語資料教材下載


英文學習計劃範文 篇5

I am going back to my hometown this summer.I will take a good rest when I get home after a year's hard work.

I will eat all the nice foods I have been missing for so many years. I will find a good badminton coach to help me improve my I will try to see all my childhood friends and pay a visit to my high school teacher, who has played an important role in my August, I will have this Yangzi river cruise with my parents. Right now, I keep thinking all the fun things that I would like to do in summer: chatting on line, dancing, going to the beach, clothes shopping, reading one or two nice books, seeing some nice movies,more and more....

Summer vacation is the best time of the year. I can plan lots of fun things and I can carry them out. It is like I can do whatever I , I just can't wait for it!

英文學習計劃範文 篇6

I am a high student now.I am weak in most students in my class are good at English.

So I have to improve my English and catch up them.I make a English Study tly,I will spend 20 minutes remembering words every day.I find that I only remember a small number of words. Secondly,I must listen to the teacher carefully in I will do the homework every course,listening to the English tapes every day is necessary.

Sometimes I will read some English writings. Thirdly,I will often use English and communcate with classmates in y Sunday,I will learn English on the Internet. This is my plan.

英文學習計劃範文 篇7

My new plan of English The new semester has begun. In this semester, I plan to have a plenary English time, so I made the following plan which is considered perfect.

I will preview the new lessons for 30 minutes to 1 hour on the day before the English class. In class, I'll try my best to understand every point. If necessary, I'll take notes and ask at least one question every class. And I want to be active in speaking. According to the requirement of the teacher, I am going to take written exercises. It's time to read texts aloud from seven twenty-five to a quarter to eight a.m everyday except Sunday.

My oral English practice will be done for 30 minutes twice a week. To enlarge my vocabulary, I should learn 60 words everyday except Sunday. As we all know, reviewing the learnt courses is very important.

One hour's reviewing on Sunday is essential. How's my perfect plan? I will insist on carrying it out and make an effort on my English learning .I believe it will work.

英文學習計劃範文 篇8

The new term is coming. I am so excited because in the new term, I will be a Grade 8 student. In the new term, I will have some new teachers.

As for me, I want to make a difference in the new term, so I have made a plan for t, my Chinese and English are the best and I will work hard to keep them good as usual. But my math and physics are not as good as Chinese and English. Therefore, I have to try my best to improve them. Except preview and finishing homework, I have to review regularly to strengthen knowledge.

Second, I will pay more attention to news, so that I will read more newspapers and watch news program. I don't want to be a student who just study only. Last, I will do exercise twice a week. Badminton and table tennis are my favorites. All in all, I look forward to my life in Grade 8.

英文學習計劃範文 篇9

I will be in the third grade now,Since the highschool entrance examination is coming soon, there is a great need for me to make a precise plan of my studies.

From September to November,I will follow the teachers in the new lessons learning, and after class , the contemporary exercises are necessary.

Before the end of the first term, I will review all the lessons from beginning again.

From March to April, review all I have learned a second time.

Beginning from April, models tests should be the ral days before the exam, I will go over all the mistakes in the papers and have a good rest for the exam.

I hope this plan can further my studies.

英文學習計劃範文 篇10

I’m a middle school student. I love English, but it’s hard for me. Now I have a good plan to learn English.

I have a pronunciation problem. I can’t pronounce so well. So I plan to listen to the tape and read after it. I can’t read English passages quickly and can’t write a passage clearly. Now I plan to read more and practice writing often. As for listening, sometimes I can’t understand what others are saying. So I plan to improve myself by listening to the radio and TV. Grammar is the most difficult for me. I have no idea of it, but I think my English teacher can help me with it.

With this English-learning plan, I’m hoping for great progress.