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欄目: 推薦信 / 釋出於: / 人氣:1.39W










到底選擇什麼樣的人寫推薦信最合適呢?首先,避免親屬或家庭成員。 其次,推薦人的職位並不是越高越有利。 最後,推薦人的選擇應相輔相成,避免重複。

如何寫出完美留學申請推薦信留學申請推薦信(2) | 返回目錄


(1)scholastic aptitude(學習方面的才能)

a. native intellectual ability(天賦)

b. imagination(想像力)

c. creativity(創造力)

d. capacity for analytical thinking(分析思考能力)

e. intellectual curiosity或spirit of inquiry(好奇心)

f. ability to work independently(獨立學習工作的能力)

g. memory(記憶力)

h. accuracy(準確性)

i. methodology(研究方法)

j. capability for abstract reasoning(抽象推理的能力)

k. potential as a researcher(研究的潛力)

1. potential as a teacher(教學的潛力)

m. ability to express his ideas orally and in writing (口頭或文的表達能力)

n. capacity, desire and determination for good quality graduate work(獲得學業成功的能力、願望與決心)

o. probable success as a graduate student(作為研究生成功的可能性)

(2)academic performance(學業上的表現)

a. breadth of general knowledge(知識豐富)

b. knowledge of literature in his field(本專業領域知識)

c. grade or achievement(成績或成就)

d. industry, diligence(勤勉)

e. participation in discussion(討論積極)

f. academic maturity(學業上的成熟)


a. ability to speak, understand, read and write the english language(聽、說、讀、寫英文的能力)

b. ability to read significant literature in other languages than english(英語以外的語言閱讀能力)


a. honesty; integrity(誠實)

b. sincerity(誠懇)

c. sense of responsibility(責任感)

d. cooperation (合作)

e. enthusiasm(熱誠)

f. conscientiousness(自覺性)

g. ethical and moral standards(倫理與道德標準)

h. reliability; dependability(可靠性)

美國留學申請推薦信格式留學申請推薦信(3) | 返回目錄



被推薦者的簽名——為便於對方查詢,被推薦者的簽名僅寫"mr. wang"或"miss zhang"是不夠的。用標準的漢語拼音或英文拼法都可以,但必須由被推薦者自己提供,且前後必須一致。

認識程度(how well do you know him/her­)——是偶爾見面還是關係密切,或僅教過一年還是擔任其導師。

認識被推薦者的時間(how long have you known him/her­)——何時開始認識,或認識了多久。




關於留學申請中推薦信的道德與規則留學申請推薦信(4) | 返回目錄


no applications can be successful without great letters of recommendation. they are the professional testimonials for (and sometimes, against!) your academic profiles. great letters of recommendation make your application shine and help smoothen away the imperfections in your record; bad ones will kill your application.沒有好推薦信的申請資料是難以獲得認可的。推薦信以一個專業人士的角度來對你的學業進行資歷證明。高質量的推薦信可以為你的申請資料加分;但是壞的推薦信很有可能會毀了你的申請。

sometimes, a professor or lab instructor that you ask for the letter will be too busy and ask you to write the letter yourself, then he/she will sign it. do not agree! it would be an example of a bad letter. the letter must be written by the recommender alone, and it is often unethical for anyone but the recommender and the review committee to read the letter. there is no exception to this rule. it is simply wrong to do otherwise.有些時候,你委託幫你寫推薦信的教授有可能會因為太忙而讓你自己寫好後交給他籤。千萬不要這麼做!這麼做只會適得其反。推薦信必須要由推薦者本人獨立完成,並且讓除了推薦者和招生部以外的的人士閱讀它也是一種不道德的行為。

when deadlines are pressing, it may seem reasonable to accept the situation and write the letter yourself, just to make sure that it’s done. another reason may be that the recommender has great credibility, is a well-known expert in the field, that one may assume that his/her signature alone carries sufficient weight and the letter needs only to be in form. it may also be very difficult to look for a recommender who know you well enough, and most institutions require 3 letters of recommendation. there’s also a flattering notion that the recommender trusts you enough to write the letter yourself and sign it for you. however, none of these reasons can excuse you from violating the rules that the letters must be written by someone other than you.當申請日期就要截止時,你可能會開始覺得為自己寫推薦信是合理的。另一個原因可能是因為推薦者本身在領域內很有權威,因此申請者覺得只要有推薦者的簽名就足夠應付了。確實,能夠找到一個真正瞭解你的推薦者很難,何況一般申請入學都需要三封推薦信。還有一種觀點認為正是因為推薦者足夠信任你,才會讓你自己寫完後由他來籤。但是,所有的這些理由都不能成為違反規定的藉口。推薦信必須要由你以外的人來完成。

the review committee will know. they are expert at reading letters and can pick up hidden cues that show that the letter was not honestly written by the person who signed it. sometimes, the review committee may even call the recommender to speak more about the applicant, imagine the reviewer asking the recommender about something in the letter that he/she didn’t not write! worse yet, you are not there when they read it to defend yourself. not only will your character will be deemed untrustworthy, your application will be immediately disqualified!招生部門是可以鑑別出推薦信造假的。他們都是一些具備從推薦信中尋找到造假的蛛絲馬跡的專業人士。招生部的人偶爾會給推薦者打電話來檢測推薦信的可信度。一旦被發現造假,你的申請就會被自動作廢。

so what can you do when you ask for a letter and are told you to write it? if this situation arises, politely explain to the potential recommender that you don’t feel comfortable going against the rule that the letters must be confidential. if he/she cannot be convinced to actually write it, politely thank him/her and decline the offer, then seek for another recommender.所以當推薦者要求你自己寫推薦信時,你該怎麼做呢?如果你真的碰到這樣的問題,請禮貌地告訴你的推薦者你不願意違反規定。如果他被說服了,那麼請真誠的感謝他。如果他拒絕親自動筆,那麼請另找下家。

remember, a letter from a lesser-known recommender who puts honest thoughts into writing will speak volumes compared to a letter that the signing author, however famous, did not write.記住,一封由一個真正懂你,不太牛的教授認真寫出來的推薦信永遠會比一封由你自己寫的並加上了一個大牛教授的推薦信含金量更高。

your essays and cv show how you assess your own credentials. letters of recommendations show how others assess you, leave them in their hands.你的申請文書和個人簡歷展示了你對自己的評價。那麼就讓推薦信來展示他人對你的評價吧。


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