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欄目: 如何寫求職信 / 釋出於: / 人氣:2.68W

英文書信主要分為事務書信和個人書信兩種,前者是單位與單位之間或個人與單位之間來往的信件,後者是親朋好友之間的來往信件。事務書信包括申請信、推薦信、 求職信 、訂購信等等;個人書信包括慰問信、祝賀信、道歉信以及一般的個人信等等。在格式和語體方面,事務書信比較正規,而個人書信則比較隨便。在這部分中,我們結合信函的實用程度和考研作文對篇幅的一般要求選取了五種我們認為有可能成為考研作文命題物件的信函,重新的認識討論求職信的寫法


⑴ 求職信




第二,簡潔、明瞭、具體地說明自己的能力和條件。因為求職信通常是跟 簡歷 一起寄給用人單位的,所以在信中提到自己的能力和條件時,不是要簡單重複 簡歷 中已有的內容,而是要用簡潔、明瞭、具體的語言提出自己特別突出的或者可能引起用人單位特別的注意的能力和條件。





最後一部分當然是表達一下希望,例如希望能得到 面試 的機會。


dear sir or madam:

i am writing in response to the advertisement you placed in the sunday paper for a sales manager in your company. your company has a reputation for producing high-quality products like mandolin network system. i am interested in joining such a professional organization.

as you can see from the enclosed resume, my previous work in an export company has provided me with lots of opportunities to contact all kinds of customers and suppliers home and abroad. by communicating with them, i have got very familiar with the international trade and the current market. besides, my educational training at university concentrated also on international trade which equipped me with a solid foundation in sales and trade.

as such, i believe that my service could be of great benefit to your company in terms of customer relation and new business connections.

i hope to have an opportunity to meet your human resource manager in order to let you know more about me. i enclose a resume and could be available for an interview at your convenience. looking forward to hearing from you and thank you for your consideration.

sincerely yours,j.s. wu