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经典英语演讲稿 Modern Concepts of Talent

栏目: 英语演讲稿 / 发布于: / 人气:1.27W

last night, i saw a movie, there was a sentence impressed me so much, the protagonist asked the guy“do you know what is the most precious in the 21century?”the answer is talent. yes, today, the world develops so fast, the company needs the talent badly, it is so hard for them to find a talent. so what is the modern talent? first, the modern talent must good at study, they have a good school report, the traditional talent is also base on it. second, the modern talent is good at communication. school report is not the only standard for a talent today, the ability of social communication is much more important. we live in a world, we need to communicate with all kinds of people, the one who gets along well with others, who can have access to the success easily. school report and the ability of social communication make up of a modern talent.

经典英语演讲稿 Modern Concepts of Talent


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