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Dear sir:


Four years as a senior clerk in sales department of the New World Products Company have,I believe,given me the experience to qualify for the job you advertised in Thursday's newspaper.

Since 1981 I have been responsible for all office details in the administration of sales,including writing much of the the course of my work,I have become familiar with the various sales territories,and have also in my spare time experience of handling business problems other than my proper sphere.

The years before I was employed at the New World,I was a secretary for Long Brother,an accounting e I became familiar with accounting terms and procedures.I was graduated at Wah Yan College, in June 1974. I am twenty-five years of age and single.

I am leaving my present position because I can use my capabilities more fully in a position with wider scope. My present employer knows of my ambition and is helping me to find a new I see you at your office to tell you more about myself and show you just how well I can do the work you require.

Yours faithfully

Kumwing Ho



(1) clearness(明瞭):要突出的主題,開場白要直截了當,不要繞圈子,應直接道明寫信意圖,在介紹個人情況時,應多説你能為公司做些什麼。另外,層次要分明,使讀信人一目瞭然。

(2) conciseness(簡潔):言簡意賅,文字力求簡短。把必要的事項説清楚,不提與無關的事。儘量使用短句,少用複合句、避免陳詞濫調。

(3) correctness(準確):達意準確。平時要注意語言修養的提高,隨時收集並掌握豐富的常用習慣短語,這樣才能在寫時運用自如,做到語言的準確。信中應避免使用過多的形容詞和副詞。

(4) politeness(禮貌):話語要禮貌、既要尊重對方,又要切忌迎合,恭維或表現得過分熱情,態度要不卑不亢。獲得招聘消息後應及時寫、拖延時間也是不禮貌的。 為了使英語信明瞭、簡潔、準確和禮貌,應該注意如下幾點:

a、 陳述自己的工作能力要實事求是,不要誇誇其談,過分渲染自己。如果高淡闊論誇大自己的優點,就會給讀信人留下一種虛浮不踏實的感覺。應如實介紹自己的情況,讓對方去判斷你的能力。

b、 説明離職原因時切勿批評目前的工作單位或負責人。如果你對目前的工作單位或負責人説三道四大發牢騷,就會讓讀信人認為你是個愛説長道短搬弄是非之人。試想,有誰會願意把一個愛發牢騷而搬弄是非的人招聘到自己的單位來呢?

c、 自卑自貶亦不可取。如果自己都看不起自己,別人還能看得起你嗎?殊不知,招聘單位對你的估計是根據你對自己的估計做出的,因此,故作謙卑也只能是恰得其反。

d、 語氣須肯定而自信,要有創意,應避免迂腐、生僻的詞。


a、 i am not only competent to install a filing system that will fulfill the needs of your corporation, but also well qualified to operate it efficiently.(我自信不僅可以設置一套能滿足貴公司需求的檔案分類系統,而且可以有效地進行操作。) 在此名中使用了not only…but also,competent 和well qualified 等詞語,表現得太自信,有夜郎自大之嫌,故不可取。

b、i think that i should probably make a good accountant for your factory.(我想我可能成為貴廠的一名好會計員)。 此名中的情態動詞should和副詞probably 所表達的語氣都欠肯定,而make(成為)一詞也缺乏自信,整句話顯得語氣太弱,有自卑感,因此亦不可取。

c、i am confident that my experience and references will show you that i can fulfill the particular requirements of your secretarial position (我相信我的經驗和證明人可以向您表明,我能夠符合貴單位祕書一職的特定需要。) 此句中的confident 一詞語氣肯定,給人一種自信感,而will show 和i can 也無自大之嫌,因而此句用得恰到好處,有特殊風格。