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欄目: 十一國慶節演講稿 / 釋出於: / 人氣:5.83K










關於國慶節的演講稿:紅巖精神,永放光芒關於國慶節的演講稿(2) | 返回目錄



























魯迅先生說過:“青年應當有朝氣,敢做為”。為了中華民族的偉大復興。作為新世紀的共產黨人,我們要以革命先輩為榜樣,把 “三個代表”重要思想同巨集揚紅巖精神結合起來,接過革命先輩手中的旗幟,讓紅巖精神,世世代代,永放光芒!


關於國慶節的演講稿:愛國,需要實幹家關於國慶節的演講稿(3) | 返回目錄




關於國慶節的英語演講稿(帶翻譯)關於國慶節的演講稿(4) | 返回目錄

is a national territory that aureate autumn scan widely 9,600,000 square kilometers again up, all over the place golden, prosperous brocade, the high building stands erect, coal ocean current gold, ocean yang wave, the great wall dances.

in autumn, always bring people pleased celebrate, bring poetry, bring fancy, bring to imagine, bring a hope more, but this year's autumn, not- same sort, more and not and this fine season, arrive to°from chiang-nan water country a northland backland, from the gan river strand to pull sa lin ka, hot soils of republic each square kilometer soak through exultant and happiness, flow to drip sweet with sing.1,300,000,000 china childrens with heroic the singing arousing more put to fly aureate ideal and imagining of rose and put to fly hard go such as the conviction of huge rock and the poem lauding to the great motherland.

ha, the motherland, my mother, celebrates the quarter of your birthday 60 anniversaries in the joys, i have a boiling passion, thoughts and feelings want to speak to you how much considerate words son, have how much laudatory song son sing to you.60 years, at be just fillip in the mankind's history long river a flick, however, great of the motherland occurrence turns over the variety that sky replies ywhere is change with each passing day of ywhere is canvass business to lead a property and promote the big current of economic development.i imitate the red ship that the buddha sees south lake to bathe the gold hui of the sun, to drive red flag of well kang-shan, the cuckoo smiles dimple and reflects the mountain is red of strong the united states is like of the red glow at sunset style style hot breeze of pagoda mountain postpones arousing of river water wave, the story of green yarn debt rides on the qiong syrup of yellow river and conceived the children of ten million heros.

ha, the ancient great wall starts to stand unyielding chest, yangtze river dashing about turns over a radiant wave flower, a long distance steppe resounds the matouqin voice of deep feeling and pull sa lin ka is spreading to herd a people to rush toward the happy song joke of middle-class e, i see up broad earth in the motherland, china children in in the whole world lead to utter high joys celebrates a mother 60-year-old birthday in motherland, sends best regards to the motherland in the name of republic children and blesses for mother.

ha, motherland, you are like one fan of leaf hope and drove from the republic founded a nation the long long gun salute voice of big dian;drove from mt. heaven the foot hot tile just with the three-stringed piano moving musical sound;drove from the yellow river aroused a more rising big wave voice and ten thousand precinct chief, river, the ship work number son voice of the male hun;the absolute being state no.5 cosmos airship that embarked from yang li wei of aerospace hero roamed about at pleasure to drive in the good news of space;blue print and country that developed from reform in the city wealthy civilization fantasy drove in the e, i see the spring breeze blow into a hundred million happy doors and windows, heardthe story in spring resounding through china the broad sea jiang flies fast heroic war boat, western backland again teng rise hurtle the rocket in was glorious in the boundless process of half several centuries, there is chinese of diligence braveness leader in 3 and under the party central leadership, unity of will is a formidable force, overcome all difficulties, with tremendous passionate devotion economic development ofdevelop china, strengthen my national ory tells us and tells future, deng xiaoping's construction contains the socialism theories of chinese special feature and is like the rich brocade future prospects that the lighthouse illuminates a motherland, the party is central the jian being leading people of the whole country effort go three representativess, with accompany into, constuct middle-class family completely society, head for fine future.

in the great military advance constucting socialism modernization big country, the china children created numerous miracles, in the race of world of lin rang people of this world in different see, shenzhen, bead sea, etc. a batch of special areas in xiamen starts to dig kingsoft, the river bank east new area sticks out the chest, the pride also expresses to write the refreshing headline of developing the tengs in the steel ultrasaurus big city fly south north, display the magnificent posture of kong regression, regression in macau, peking states ao success, the china children all receives due acclaim and attention, the hao feeling is ten thousand zhangs.

the capital city in peking, an overseas chinese of over sixty years of age visited city appearance in peking with the regiment, after watching review troops the troops dominant performance, the hot tears regrets ground says:lately chinese be really getting stronger now, there is motherland doing strong backing, oversea overseas chinese the waist pole is harder, our body is in the overseas and hope a motherland strong, prosperous and en the old man's heartfelt words, i imitate a buddha to touch him that very hot patriotic the moment, my ear again response my i patriotic of heart, the great wall never pour this male hun, arouse more of singing calls china children to make great effort to make country strong and create more a house fine tomorrow.

the friends faces the sun, the autumnal winds sends great, let us stand ancient great wall up with deep feeling, with a kind of heroic, with a kind of rites of majesty, start to carry a gold cup, drink to heart's content a joys to celebrate of beautiful wine, lightly soft hand each inch of foot of land, bless our dear people anne from country tai in motherland together, have a bright future.

國慶節演講稿 中文



今年大年七年級,一位記者到被稱為“180”的小點號採訪,那裡住著小趙和小張兩個士兵。小趙是一位來自江蘇的已有3年兵齡的老兵,他說,他每天要去巡線一趟,每趟來回走20公里,當兵三年,相當於步行回老家一趟。新兵小張是四川中江黃繼光家鄉的人,他到點號的第二次巡線就遇上被稱作“黑風”的沙暴,天地間黑壓壓一片,沙石劈頭蓋臉往身上砸,他說他抱緊鐵軌整整一小時不敢動彈,差點沒被埋在沙包裡。說話間,小趙的姐姐從老家打來了電話,姐姐問: “你那裡過年熱鬧嗎?”小趙說:“熱鬧得很,有3個人呢,還有一條大黃狗”。“你那裡冷嗎?”,“不冷,暖和得很,才零下20度”。“你都3年沒有回家了,爸媽以為你今年能回來過年,特意殺了豬,還幾次到路口去守公交車。”這時,小趙的喉頭滾了好幾下,愣了半天,終於沒能“幽默”出來。當記者告辭時,他倆緊緊地握住記者的手,久久不想鬆開,眼睛裡突然溢位淚光,那眼神似乎在不加掩飾的懇求著:再留一會兒吧,哪怕是一分鐘!

啊,一分鐘,多麼令人心顫的一分鐘!看到這兒,我的心被震撼了,淚水也止不住掉了下來。我想,別說他們在那裡要為我國在世界高技術領域佔有一席之地,為實現中華民族千百年來的“飛天”夢想而拼搏,就是呆在那兒,也是奉獻。 是的,作為軍人,我知道,在雪山,在海島,在荒原,在戈壁,有無數與小趙小張一樣的士兵,為了祖國的強盛和人民的安寧,在默默忍受著艱辛與寂寞。作為軍人,我更懂得,是軍人這特殊的職業賦予了軍人特殊的使命,特殊的使命賦予了軍人特殊的追求。軍人,也許就意味著奉獻與犧牲。 難道不是嗎?翻開中國革命的歷史畫卷,不難發現,其中最引人注目的便是那些為了祖國和人民的利益而馳騁疆場、馬革裹屍的軍人。從萬里長征、八年抗戰、南征北戰到自衛還擊、抗震救災、抗洪搶險,多少年來,這支人民的軍隊,在黨的絕對領導之下,經受著無數次血與火的洗禮,一次又一次向黨和人民交出合格的答卷!就說那300公里航天大動脈,當年修建時就有120名忠骨埋在了沙丘。

小時候,我曾羨慕穿身軍裝,現在我終於實現了這個夢想,如今,我又跨進全軍的高等學府――國防科技大學的校門。在這裡,我又讀到許許多多的銀河人,他們將銀河精神在新時代高高奏響,為響應江總書記“科技強軍”的號召,在夜以繼日的、默默的耕耘與勞作。 周光銘院士在接受記者採訪時說過這樣一句話:“我一生也就做了六臺機器。”朋友,你想想,這六臺是什麼樣的機器啊!難道還不夠嗎?這,就是我們老一代銀河人的驕傲!

在研製銀河ⅲ期間,盧錫城同志帶領年輕人向新的技術制高點衝擊,有11名同志是在攻關戰鬥中度過新婚蜜月的,不少人連續三次春節都在機房裡度過。就是憑著這種精神,他們創造了新的輝煌。這,就是新一代銀河人的自豪! 如今,再看看我這身軍裝,我應該掂得出她的份量。在新的歷史時期,我們軍隊仍然肩負著重大的歷史使命。放心吧,祖國,放心吧,人民,時間流逝,斗轉星移,永遠抹不去的就是戰士對黨和人民的一顆赤膽忠心!青山和大地會證明我們的忠誠,藍天和白雲會昭示我們的誓言,“奉獻”,我們認了,“犧牲”,我們說值!那是因為,共和國軍人的心中只有一個期盼,那就是:為了共和國明天的輝煌!