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欄目: 河北導遊詞 / 釋出於: / 人氣:6.72K

湖北易縣清西陵導遊詞 篇1




自此,清各代皇帝便間隔分葬於遵化和易縣東、西兩大陵墓。西陵自雍正八年(公元1730年)首建泰陵,至公元1920xx年光緒的崇陵建成,歷經186年,共建有帝陵4座,後陵3座,王公、公主、妃嬪園寢7座,埋葬著雍正、嘉慶、道光、光緒4個皇帝,9個皇后,56個妃嬪及王公、公主等共80人。 宣統皇帝溥儀於1967年去世,最初安葬在八寶山。於1995年遷葬到清西陵的華龍皇家陵園。建築面積達5萬多平方米,共有宮殿1000多間,石雕刻和石建築100多座,構成了一個規模巨集大、富麗堂皇的古建築群。


清西陵有規模巨集大、體系完整的古建築群,是一處環境幽雅、 風景秀麗的遊覽勝地。在方圓200華里、面積800平方公里的陵區內,有華北地區最大的人工古松林。從建陵開始,清王朝就在永寧山下、易水河畔、陵寢內外,栽植了數以萬計的松樹,現在這裡有古鬆1.5萬株,青松幼柏20餘萬株,陵區內松柏蔥鬱,山清水秀,14座陵寢掩映在松林之中,若隱若現,儼然一幅絢麗的山水畫。



湖北易縣清西陵導遊詞 篇2




湖北易縣清西陵導遊詞 篇3




湖北易縣清西陵導遊詞 篇4

各位遊客: 你們好,歡迎你們來到清西陵,我是你們的導遊。 位於河北省易縣永寧山下,距北京125公里。是清朝四個皇帝陵、三個皇后陵以及一些王公、公主、妃子園寢的陵墓群。西陵的陵園建築達5萬多平方米,共有殿宇千餘間,石建築和石雕百餘座,是我國規模最大、儲存最完整、品種最齊全的清代皇家陵墓群之一,是中國兩千年來陵寢建築藝術最傑出的代表。 在清西陵8300公頃的保護範圍上,建有4座皇帝陵,3座皇后陵,4座王爺、公主、阿哥園寢,共14座陵寢和兩座附屬建築(永寺福、行宮)。埋葬著雍正、嘉慶、道光、光緒4位皇帝,9位皇后、57位妃嬪、2位王爺、6位阿哥,共計78人。 陵區內矗立著千餘間宮殿建築和百餘座石建築,其建築形式和規制明顯地體現著封建社會典章制度。四座帝陵、三座後陵均用黃色琉璃瓦蓋頂;妃嬪、公主、王爺園寢則以綠琉璃瓦或灰布瓦蓋頂,這些古建築環抱於蒼松翠柏之中,在浩瀚的林海中競相崢嶸。還有五色祥雲縈繞的永寧山,綿綿屏立於陵寢之後。八功遙溯靈源的易水河緩緩流淌於大紅門之前,更使得清西陵乾坤聚秀,規模巨集大,頗具氣勢。 其中規模最大的雍正泰陵,居於陵區的中心位置,是西陵中建築最早、規模最大的一座。其餘各陵分佈在東西兩側。泰陵的神道,由三層巨磚鋪成,兩邊蒼松翠柏,從南往北分佈著40多項大大小小的建築。第一座建築物是進入陵區的一座聯拱式五孔橋,橋北有三座高大的石牌坊,巍然矗立。牌坊的建築莊重、美觀,色彩調和。這三座石坊,都是五間、六柱、十一樓形式,用青花石築成,上刻有山、水、花、草、禽獸等圖形,形態生動,被視為西陵建築藝術中具有代表性的作品。嘉慶的陵稱昌陵。昌陵和泰陵並列,其規模與泰陵不相上下。嘉慶是乾隆的第十五子,乾隆傳位給他時併為他在泰陵南一公里的地方,選好陵址。昌陵的隆恩殿很有特色,地面鋪的是很貴重的黃色花斑石 ,石板上還帶有紫色花紋,光滑耀眼,好像是滿堂寶石。大柱包金飾雲龍,金碧輝煌。工藝精巧的道光陵稱慕陵。慕陵的特點是規模小,沒有方城、明樓、大碑亭、石象牲等建築,但其工程重量之堅固,則超過泰、昌二陵。整個圍牆,磨磚對縫,幹擺灌漿,牆身平齊結實。隆恩殿的建築工藝精巧,大殿全用金絲楠木,不飾油彩,保持原木本色,開啟殿門,楠木香氣撲鼻而來。天花板上每一小方格內有龍,而且檁枋、雀替,也雕上游龍和蟠龍。這些龍都張口鼓腮,噴雲吐霧。崇陵是光緒的陵墓,在泰陵東5公里,是我國現存帝陵中最後的一座。整個陵區樹木茂盛,景色宜人。皇帝居住過的行宮古建築可接待遊人食宿。 大自然把陵區周圍山川河流也都賦予了一種特殊的靈氣,清朝末年泰寧鎮總兵陳增榮在筆書餘暇,雅愛山川秀麗,定出了西陵八景,那就是“荊關紫氣”、“拒馬奔濤”、“雲蒙疊翠”、“奇峰夕照”、“峨嵋晚鐘”、“福山捧日”、“華蓋煙嵐”、“易水寒流”。正是由於這些怡人的自然景色,襯托出了“萬年龍虎抱,每夜鬼神朝”的上吉之壤,清朝第三代皇帝雍正才離開父祖,獨闢蹊徑,在易州境內首闢西陵,以圖大清江山萬代、歲遠天長。 1737年3月2日,乾隆皇帝奉安其父於泰陵地宮。後來,為使東陵和西陵香火永續,乾隆皇帝想出了一個兩全其美的辦法,以後的皇帝採取“昭穆次序、隔代埋葬”的方式分葬於清東陵和清西陵。因此,他首先在清東陵界內的勝水峪建了自己的裕陵與祖父康熙為伴,其子嘉慶在泰陵旁邊建了昌陵與祖父雍正相守。遵照這一昭穆之制,道光的陵寢原建於東陵寶華峪,在歷經七年建陵大工完竣並葬入孝穆皇后以後,發現地宮內滲水不斷,道光只好又在西陵境內選擇了一塊高平之地,將寶華峪陵寢建築拆除,到西陵營建陵墓。在隔咸豐、同治兩代皇帝后,光緒也將墳墓建在了西陵。 如果說西陵的輿地山川均為天造地設自然成趣,那麼,從建泰陵到崇陵竣工歷時185年之後,又形成了人文景觀與自然景觀的巧妙結合,“使天人合一”宇宙觀在陵寢建築中得到充分體現。正如孫鼎烈在《永寧山扈從紀程》中所說的那樣:“山勢自太行來,巍峨聳拔、脈秀力豐,峻嶺崇崗,遠拱於外,靈巖翠岫,環衛其間,迄下山崗無數,如手之有指,每兩崗間平坦開拓處,諸陵在焉,花之瓣.筍之籜,層層包護”,“龍蟠鳳翥,源遠流長,左右迴環,前後拱衛,實如金城玉筍”。 好,遊客朋友們,清西陵就為大家講解到這兒,謝謝各位的支援!

湖北易縣清西陵導遊詞 篇5

The Western Tomb of Qing Dynasty is one of the two mausoleums of theemperors of Qing Dynasty. It is located at the foot of Yongning mountain, 15kilometers west of Yi County, Hebei Province, and more than 120 kilometers awayfrom Beijing. The perimeter is about 100 kilometers, covering an area of morethan 800 square kilometers. The West Mausoleum of the Qing Dynasty is surroundedby Yongning mountain in the north and Yishui River in the south. There are morethan 1000 palace buildings and more than 100 ancient buildings and sculptures inthe mausoleum area, which is magnificent. Each mausoleum strictly follows theimperial mausoleum building system of the Qing Dynasty. The mausoleum of theemperor, the mausoleum of the queen and the mausoleum of the prince are coveredwith yellow glazed tiles, while the mausoleum of the imperial concubine, theprincess and the elder brother are covered with green glazed tiles. Thesedifferent architectural forms show different landscapes and styles. Here is thelargest ancient pine forest in North China. Tens of thousands of ancient pinesand cypresses decorate this area with beautiful, lush, simple and generous. TheWest Mausoleum of the Qing Dynasty is surrounded by Yongning mountain in thenorth and Yishui River in the south.

The Western Mausoleum of the Qing Dynasty was built in 1730 (the eighthyear of Yongzheng). It went through the period from the middle of the 18thcentury to the beginning of the 19th century, and Yu Xuyan to the Republic ofChina. Yongzheng eight years (AD 1730) selected this site for the mausoleum. Thesite of Yongzheng's mausoleum was originally chosen in Chaoyang mountain,Jiufeng mausoleum in the east of Qing Dynasty, but he thought that "although thescale is large, the shape is not complete, and the soil in the cave is with sandand stone, which is not available." so he abandoned the original site andordered to choose another "ten thousand year auspicious land". Those who chosethe site of the mausoleum said that at the foot of Yongning mountain in YixianCounty is "a place where heaven and earth gather and where Yin and Yang e is no beauty in the sand and water of the Dragon Cave. The situation isrational, and all good things are ready. " Emperor Yongzheng was very happyafter reading the music. He also thought that "the water law of mountains andrivers is well-organized, and it is a land of good fortune.".

Since then, the Qing emperors have been buried in the eastern and Westerntombs of Zunhua and Yi county. The first building of the Western mausoleum wasthe Tai mausoleum in 1730 A.D. and the Chongling mausoleum in 1915 A.D. after186 years, it has built 4 Imperial Mausoleums, 3 rear mausoleums, 7 gardens anddormitories for princes, princesses and concubines, burying 80 people includingfour emperors, nine queens, 56 concubines, princesses and princesses ofYongzheng, Jiaqing, Daoguang and Guangxu. Emperor Puyi of Xuantong died in 1967and was initially buried in Babaoshan. In 1995, he was moved to the HualongRoyal Cemetery in the Western Mausoleum of the Qing Dynasty. With a constructionarea of more than 50000 square meters, there are more than 1000 palaces and morethan 100 stone sculptures and buildings, forming a grand and magnificent ancientarchitectural complex.

The Western Qing mausoleum is a national key cultural relic protectionunit. In November 20__, the Western Qing mausoleum and the Eastern Qingmausoleum were listed as world cultural heritage by the 24th World HeritageCommittee.

There are a large-scale and complete system of ancient buildings in theWest Mausoleum of Qing Dynasty, which is a scenic spot with elegant the mausoleum area with a radius of 200 Li and an area of 800 squarekilometers, there is the largest artificial ancient pine forest in North e the establishment of the mausoleum, the Qing Dynasty has planted tens ofthousands of pine trees at the foot of Yongning mountain, on the Bank of YishuiRiver, inside and outside the mausoleum. Now there are 15000 ancient pines, morethan 200000 young pines and cypresses. The mausoleum area is lush with pines andcypresses and beautiful mountains and waters. The 14 mausoleums are hidden inthe pine forest, just like a gorgeous landscape painting.

In the mausoleum area, there are more than 1000 palaces and more than 100ancient buildings and sculptures. Each mausoleum strictly follows the imperialmausoleum building system of the Qing Dynasty. The mausoleum of the emperor, themausoleum of the queen and the mausoleum of the prince are covered with yellowglazed tiles, while the mausoleum of the imperial concubine, the princess andthe elder brother are covered with green glazed tiles. These differentarchitectural forms show different landscapes and styles.

There are 14 Mausoleums in the west of Qing Dynasty, including 4 ImperialMausoleums: tailing (Emperor Yongzheng), Changling (emperor Jiaqing), Muling(Emperor Daoguang), Chongling (Emperor Guangxu); 3 rear mausoleums: Taidongmausoleum, Changxi mausoleum, Mudong mausoleum; 3 Imperial Mausoleums and 4other mausoleums (huaiwang mausoleum, Princess mausoleum, agoling, Wangyemausoleum, etc.). There were more than 70 people buried, including 4 emperors, 9queens, 56 concubines, princesses and princesses.