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the merchant of venice "book

used to look at shakespeare's tragedy, i occasionally change stomach, to appreciate his comedy writing, but also quite tasty. last week, i read a novel written by shakespeare "the merchant of venice", let me feel the value of friendship. antonio, the main character and nobility of youth sincere friendship between the巴薩尼奧, in the face of life-and-death test, they are even more selfless friendship. "the merchant of venice" and other shakespeare plays, the performance of his love of life, as well as the yearning for youth. i think this script interesting plot twists and turns, filled with a very strong comedy, but also reflects the life of shakespeare himself optimistic, cheerful character. there is a play not only hateful, but also sympathize with people who, he called shylock is a jew, the loan-sharking. he inexcusable greedy, but he is also a discrimination against the jews. play on behalf of oppressed jews in the passage that has always been memorable to me: "are the jews not the eyes, no limbs, facial features, there is no consciousness, no feeling, no bloody? he was not eating the same food, the weapons can be subject to the same injury , also need medical treatment, will find the winter cold, summer heat will feel that, as with the christians? "he suffered as a national voice grievances issued. i prefer that鮑西亞. her elegant noble, gentle love, a high degree of wisdom, the courage to wit decisively engaged in action in their own actions that poor women than men. this book was written out at that time living in venice where the merchants of the true story of human affection and friendship more important than anything else, this book was written out of our deal with the proper attitude of a friend. shakespeare never wrote the comedy is so enjoyable.

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